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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Social Network Analysis Assignment (Agna)

This my first time to post using English. It's because this is a assignment from my subject. Okay, in this posting I will show about a Software. That is Agna. Have you heard about this software ??

If you never know about this software, I will tell you about that. This software used to draw a graph and analyze the graph.

In this posting, I will show about graph which I make before. This graph is about the "habit" in my classroom. (^_^)

This the image :

This means that a arrow is a sign if the person is cheating or need help with another person. The analyze is :

Adel 0.15079366
Adji 0.08412699
Agung 0.0952381
Alfi 0.04920635
Ali 0.015873017
April 0.015873017
Artha 0.033333335
Aryo 0.05079365
Azzies 0.017460318
Bunga 0.06825397
Candra 0.015873017
Debby 0.033333335
Dian A 0.05079365
Dila 0.082539685
Dina 0.05079365
Dita 0.052380953
Dommy 0.08888889
Ega 0.020634921
Ezra 0.017460318
Fanda 0.123809524
Hafidz 0.08730159
Hari R. Z. 0.017460318
Harry K. 0.015873017
Hety 0.033333335
Ika 0.06984127
Indah 0.034920637
Irine 0.06984127
Izzat 0.03809524
Joza 0.06666667
Kukuh 0.022222223
Kurniawan 0.017460318
Lilik 0.06984127
Lilis 0.08888889
Lutvi 0.020634921
Margo 0.017460318
Mei 0.15396826
Mizbah 0.06666667
Nanda 0.05079365
Noval 0.034920637
Novan 0.22380953
Novi 0.08571429
Panda 0.017460318
Putri 0.06984127
Putri Adiati 0.034920637
Qory 0.08730159
Reza 0.04920635
Ria 0.103174604
Rian 0.08730159
Rici 0.10634921
Riza P 0.071428575
Riza H 0.08888889
Rizal 0.017460318
Rofiq 0.0
Rozi 0.08888889
Sari 0.055555556
Sonnavy 0.08730159
Sony 0.073015876
Wahid 0.034920637
Wayan 0.052380953
Widya 0.10793651
Yanis 0.052380953
Yoga 0.017460318
Yudi 0.052380953
Yuni 0.23174603

With the analyze from above, a person named Novan is the vocal point (server) in the classroom.

From the picture, we can conclude that three person is individualistic. There are Rofiq, Ezra and Iqbal.

With Agna, we also can to find who does have good team working skill in the class. It's can find by seeing the Shortest Path from node to node which have Longest Path. And this is from node Aryo to node April.

By seeing the picture, It can conclude that the habit in my classroom is CHEATING or NEED HELP WITH ANOTHER PERSON.

But, I think a person cannot judge to be a cheater after see the graph. Because this is just ONE TIME to check it. Need more than one time to check if that person is REALLY a cheater or not. For example is me. In that time, I was cheated. But, It's not always I do like that. After this time, I will show to all if I can do it MYSELF !!


Anonymous said...

ini temennya ika toh?

zuv s said...

Iya Ren..
Salam kenal ya..